Saturday, December 31, 2011

My 3rd smocking project

Starting my 4th project soon...hehehe...

2nd Project

My 2nd attempt. Did lots of mistake but heyyyy...I am learning from it...hehe...

My First Attempt

I made this dress during smocking class. I was my first time ever to smock a dress. It looks horrible but I am quite happy. Not bad as a first timer..hehehe....

My New Hobby - Smocking

I started sewing after giving birth to my 1st child, Afrina Fatini, 12 years ago. I became interested in smocking a long time ago but I only got the opportunity to learn how to smock in the last two weeks. I purchased a pleater and taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....I started to smock my youngest daughter dresses...hehehehehe....